Mid-Chapter 3 Update

Hi there,

Allow me to provide you with another accelerated math class update. We are well into chapter 3 and have moved from the 7th grade equation topics to the 8th grade equation topics within this chapter (found under additional topics in the back of the book). I have also posted extra practice on this to Khan Academy. I ask that students use the long weekend as an opportunity to complete those problem sets in Khan Academy. This will allow students to get more practice while sending me performance information so I can plan accordingly for next week.

Tomorrow, October 9, we will use the back-to-back periods to take a practice chapter check-in quiz. This is just for practice and for students to self-assess how they are doing in this chapter with only one more topic to go. We will correct it together and discuss errors. They will then be able to practice more on the whiteboards, focusing on the chapter's word problems.

The test is still scheduled for Friday, October 16, as of today. However, I am keeping my eye on students to see if Monday, October 19, will be a better test date. Please check Edmodo for updates on this.

On another note, progress reports will go home on Tuesday. Below is the key team 7A uses for progress reports:

S (satisfactory) = A or B grade
NI (needs improvement) = C grade
U (unsatisfactory) = D or F grade

What you can do at home: Ask your child about the practice quiz tomorrow or this weekend. He or she will be able to tell you (or show you) his or her score. I suggest after school help on Tuesday and/or Thursday if it's less than an 80%.

As always, please hit reply if you have any questions or concerns. Have a nice weekend and thank you!

Ms. Vila