Sent on Jan 26, 2017

Parents and guardians,

Quarter 2 report cards will go home on Monday and we are now officially in quarter 3 of the school year.  I'd like to give you information regarding this year's math midterm test.  Here is a list of details:
-The midterm will be given on Friday, Feb 3
-Students have already received a study guide and had a bit of time during our "double block" to begin studying
-All topics covered so far this year are eligible to be on the midterm
-Students are allowed to take their portfolios (which contain all previous assessments) home to study
-We will have time in class to review some topics but, as requested by Medford's Math Department Head, we will not take class time to review all topics
-I will be available after school on Monday, Jan 30 and Wednesday, Feb 1 for extra help

As with all other assessments, grades will be posted to SchoolBrains within a few days of the test date.

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns regarding the midterm or anything else related to your child in math this year.

Thank you for your support at home!
Ms. Vila